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About Us

Holy Ghost Catholic School was named for the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, the Holy Ghost / Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is symbolic of peace and security. The members of our community ask in prayer, schoolwork, or in leisure that the Holy Spirit guide us and be the center of our school life. Our school has always been overseen by the Dominican Order. The founder of the order was St. Dominic Guzman who was born in Calruega, Spain, in 1170. The purpose of creating this order was to preach the good news of Jesus and the salvation of souls. The Dominican Order was approved by the Church in 1217, when Pope Honorius III gave Dominic the title of "Order of Preachers." There are currently about 800,000 members of the Dominican family worldwide. This includes sisters, nuns, priests, brothers, laity, and associates. Dominicans are found on every continent. The four pillars of the Dominican life are community, prayer, study, and service.

Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Our religious teachings at Holy Ghost School help us to learn about the gifts of the Holy Ghost. There are two kinds of gifts. The first gifts specially intended for the sanctification of the person who receives them. These gifts include wisdom, understanding, council, fortitude, knowledge, piety (godliness), and fear of the Lord. 
The second gift is charismata in which extraordinary favors are granted for the help of another. These gifts are: gift of speaking with wisdom, knowledge and faith; grace of healing; gift of miracles; gift of tongues; gift of interpreting speeches; gift of government; and the gift of help. 

Faculty Directory

  Name Title
Dawn Anderson Anderson, Dawn 3rd Grade Teacher
Tracy Andry Andry, Tracy 1st Grade Teacher
Emily Beauchamp Beauchamp, Emily 5th-6th Grade Teacher
Pam Boeckman Boeckman, Pam PE/Athletic Director
Mollie Bonfiglio Bonfiglio, Mollie Kindergarten Teacher
Melissa Bordelon Bordelon, Melissa 7th-8th Grade Social Studies
William Bordelon Bordelon, William Technology Coordinator
Chelsea Bourgeois Bourgeois, Chelsea 7th/8th Grade Math Teacher
Monica Bourgoyne Bourgoyne, Monica Pre-K Teacher Assistant
Jennifer Brown Brown, Jennifer Art Teacher
Katie Cascio Cascio, Katie 1st Grade Teacher
Kristen Coats Coats, Kristen Pre-K Teacher
Kaycee Colona Colona, Kaycee Human Resources
Provence Crnko Crnko, Provence Music Teacher
Mary Beth Crossie Crossie, Mary Beth Kindergarten Assistant
Charlotte Dahmer Dahmer, Charlotte Algebra 8th Grade
Tammy Dawson Dawson, Tammy 5th-6th Language Arts Teacher
Brianne Dees Dees, Brianne 2nd Grade Teacher
Shanna DeMarco DeMarco, Shanna 3rd Grade Teacher
Jenna Dow Dow, Jenna 5th-6th Grade Teacher
Brenda Duhe Duhe, Brenda Kindergarten Assistant
Alissa Dunn Dunn, Alissa Kindergarten Teacher
Janell Flanagan Flanagan, Janell Secretary
Rebecca Griffin Griffin, Rebecca Pre-K Teacher Assistant
Teresa Guidry Guidry, Teresa Pre-K Teacher Assistant
Kathryn Huggett Huggett, Kathryn Librarian, English I
Belinda Jimenez Jimenez, Belinda clerk/food tech
Joell Jones Jones, Joell Library Assistant
Deborah Kropog Kropog, Deborah Counselor
Angela Lanaux Lanaux, Angela Instructor
Megan Laurent Laurent, Megan Administrative Assistant
Danielle Lawtum Lawtum, Danielle Pre-K Teacher Assistant
Nina LeBlanc LeBlanc, Nina Pre-K Teacher Assistant
Allyson Leonard Leonard, Allyson 2nd Grade Teacher
Megan Macaluso Macaluso, Megan Pre-K Teacher
Olivia Martin Martin, Olivia
Traci Mayeaux Mayeaux, Traci Pre-K Teacher
JoAnn Mike Mike, JoAnn Pre-K Teacher Assistant
Brett Morrison Morrison, Brett 5th-6th Grade Teacher
Melissa Morrison Morrison, Melissa 7th Grade Language Arts
Terri Morrison Morrison, Terri Assistant Principal
Adrienne Olah Olah, Adrienne 2nd Grade Teacher
Jennifer Owens Owens, Jennifer Kindergarten Teacher
Linda Owens Owens, Linda 4th Grade Teacher
Monica Painting Painting, Monica 3rd Grade Teacher
Hannah Pierce Pierce, Hannah 7th/8th Grade Science
Casey Potts Potts, Casey Physical Education
Erin Potts Potts, Erin Pre-K Teacher
Jennifer Robert Robert, Jennifer Pre-K2 Teacher
Suzy Rogers Rogers, Suzy Accounting
Natalie Ruiz Ruiz, Natalie Pre-K3 Teacher
Lindsay Schanzbach Schanzbach, Lindsay Kindergarten Teacher
Melissa Scott Scott, Melissa Kindergarten Assistant
Stephanie Smith Smith, Stephanie Pre-K Teacher
Desirée Street Street, Desirée Pre-K Teacher
Sheila Tallia Tallia, Sheila Pre-K Teacher Assistant
Kimberly Taylor Taylor, Kimberly Bookkeeper
Sarah Theriot Theriot, Sarah 2nd Grade Teacher
Melissa Thomas Thomas, Melissa 4th Grade Teacher
Melanie Trombatore Trombatore, Melanie 5th-6th Math Teacher
Jessica Vallery Vallery, Jessica Kindergarten Assistant
Jordan Vicknair Vicknair, Jordan 1st Grade Teacher
Amy Wall Wall, Amy 4th Grade Teacher
Alexis Wallette Wallette, Alexis 5th-6th Grade Teacher
Dana Watts Watts, Dana OTHER
Raven Weber Weber, Raven Pre-K Teacher Assistant
Karen Wilder Wilder, Karen Principal
Hollie Wootan Wootan, Hollie Computer Lab
Jennifer Wozniak Wozniak, Jennifer 1st Grade Teacher