7th and 8th Grade
There are 3 sections of 7th grade and 1 section of 8th grade, with a maximum capacity of 27 students per section. Seventh and eighth grades offer students challenging course work in Reading and ELA, Science, Social Studies, Math, and Religion. In addition to core subjects, junior high students participate in keyboarding and Physical Education classes.
All students have the opportunity to earn high school credit in Environmental Science.
All students have the opportunity to earn high school credit in Environmental Science.
Qualifying students may enroll in World Geography, Algebra 1 and/or English 1 to earn early high school credits.
Each student has their own iPad and utilizes it daily in all classrooms.
Big Events: 7th grade - National World War II Museum, Breakfast of Blessings
Big Events: 7th grade - National World War II Museum, Breakfast of Blessings
Big Events: 8th grade - Washington, D.C. trip, Awards Day, Graduation Mass