English 1
Qualifying 8th graders have the option to take English 1 as an 8th Grader for high school credit. This class is taught by Mrs. Hannah Pierce.
Algebra 1
Qualifying 8th graders have the option to take Algebra 1 as an 8th Grader for high school credit. This class is taught by Mrs. Charlotte Dahmer.
Advanced Math
Qualifying students in 7th grade have the option to take Advanced Math. This class is taught by Mrs. Charlotte Dahmer.
World Geography
Qualifying 8th graders have the option to take World Geography as an 8th Grader for high school credit. This class is taught by Mrs. Melissa Bordelon
8th Grade High School Credits
All students in 8th grade have the opportunity to earn 1 high school credit by Environmental Science. Students qualifying for English 1, Algebra 1 and World Geography may earn up to 4 high school credits.