The HGCS Dad's Club is an active organization that raises money for many important school projects. Some of their many endeavors include selling seafood on Lenten Fridays as a drive-up food service, having a booth at the Holy Ghost Parish Fair, and helping to maintain the school grounds. It's a wonderful way to get involved with other parents and promote community. We also have fun social gatherings.
The Holy Ghost Dad's Club works every year to help Holy Ghost Catholic School with special projects designed to enrich the school experience of its students. From scholarships to beautification of the campus, these projects are made possible through various fundraisers throughout the year. The money raised by the Holy Ghost Dad's Club from the previous school year, along with generous contributions and donations from Marty Adams, Michael Gangi, Peter Chan, Joe Abene, Randy Perise, Charlie Durand, Ryan Faulk, and New Orleans Seafood were used to rebuild the wooden deck used by the middle school and junior high students.
Officers for 2024-2025
Brandon Laurent, President
Mark Chiasson, Vice President
Casey Cambre, Treasurer
Mark Dries, Secretary
It's not too late to become a member! Join us at any of our meetings!
For additional information: Email Us
The 3rd Wednesday of every month @ 7:00PM
Check our Facebook page, email us or join our Group Me for location.